The sound of the waves drugged me with sleep until they grew too loud (or jetlag woke me), whereupon I closed the blinds and slept as the dead until the morning wakeup call completely confused me to my whereabouts. I took in a quick morning jog (feeling very good about myself for that), before I made my way to the boat, Odyssey, which was my occupation for the day.
Aboard Odyssey, the seas were high, the wind rough and I was in my bliss. A morning stop, swimming at the beach of some random island on the itinerary (it has a name, but I never learned it), followed by lounging about on deck, and I was famished. Lunch took the form of lamb kababs, coleslaw salad, and tadziki, which I devoured to the last morsel.
Our next stop was an island famous for its sponges. But rather than shopping, I wandered to an inn and indulged in a small plate of baklava, so sweet it made my teeth ache, and so yummy my compliments to the chef rendered him red with modesty.
I snapped cute pics of fish and kitties (not together) and ended my day at a small cafe on the shoreline specializing in seafood (I had a kabab, fries). A few guys checked me out on the walk back to the hotel... but that might be because I was glowing :-)
Love Tory
PS No worries Mom, no sunburn; I'm wearing 3 layers of sunscreen. Glowing is from contentedness only.
Pictures from my day at sea:

I read your blog out loud to Tom this am. Your words are so descriptive that we may as well be sipping coffee there rather than here. Of course, we realize at this moment, you are indulging in a new adventure while we feed hounds and dream of sitting on beach with you. We send you love. Mom
ReplyDelete...and I'm so happy you are wearing sunscreen. It was my first thought when you said you were glowing--I so appreciate the fact you know my mom instincts so well.